
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Rudder Broke, Drifting With Current...

Have you ever noticed times in your life where purpose has fled the scene? Forward progress halts, like the engine with no fuel. Upcoming events become" have to" instead of "want to", and it's like all the energy has been sucked from your still living carcass. I have found at these moments you must:1. Quit your pointless whining, and focus on a positive action. 2. Start being grateful for base needs(air,water,food,shelter,etc.). 3. Try and think about any base reason why you are bummed. You will have bad days-try not to turn them into bad lives.


Lynda said...

If I have a bad day, I tend to retreat into my own little world. At least the people know me there.

buffalodick said...

And provided your force field is strong enough, that can work 'til systems all functional!