This week-end in Grand Rapids, MI, there is a festival called Pulaski Days.. Polish falcons everywhere! Polka bands in every bar! Pulaski was an imported military expert, we needed during the Revolutionary War.. Helped us a lot, freeing this country to become the nation we are today! It was contrived by a bunch of Pollacks(it's OK, they call my kind Hollanders-or Dike-jumpers!) to have an excuse to party! It grew into a city-wide event, that is a week-end long affair of eating and drinking, and Polka dancing..
I normally buy my Polish food from my friend, who owns a West side bar..Gruska is his name, and how a Hollander like me, and Pollack like him became dear friends is a whole 'nother story! I couldn't get over there- so I made my own Golumpki!
1. Blanch a whole white cabbage-for about 6 minutes, and core it first!
2. while that is happening, get some minute rice, and follow the instructions on the box!
3. Mix a pound of uncooked ground beef with that cooked rice, adding onion powder,salt, and pepper.
4. Stir in V-8 juice-4 oz. ought to do it..
5. Fill cabbage leaves with mixture, rolling up and placing seam side down in a greased pan.
6. Bake, covered for 1 hour at 350F
7. Tomato sauce, with onion powder, salt, sugar, and pepper simmered until thick is your sauce- to pour on now!
8. Welcome to a taste treat you didn't know was so simple!
My grandma used to make cabbage rolls that were to die for.
Pam- All European countries had a version of this.. I love these things!
I adore some good cabbage rolls!
otin- I don't brag much, but these were killer! Simple and good is my happiness..
this is simple - how about cheese are they ever served or made with cheese inside?
DogB- Polish didn't do cheese too much, I admit to a bit of Parmesan in the sauce...
My mother used to make these, although she just called it "stuffed cabbage". I didn't know it was polish, only that it's not pricy.
I'm going to have to try these. They sound pretty darn easy. Growing up in the middle of Kansas the surrounding communities were all Dutch or German. Not alot of polish food around. Plus a large Amish community thrown in the middle of all of it.
Lea Ann
Yum! I've tried making cabbage rolls a couple times, but they're beyond my meager culinary skills.
At risk of sounding like a broken record, my mom made these too !Although I never tried making them my self. Thanks for sharing.
The event sounds like so much fun... I assume it is similar to oktoberfest ?
I bet the festival is a lot of fun! Your golumbki look delicious! I like meals that are easy but good :)
Marjie- The Dutch, Germans, Nordic, and every one around Poland has a similar recipe! It's a cabbage roll!
Highland- Go to the Germans for food, go to the Dutch for dessert! Amish are Germans...
Jeanne- Easy-peasy! and delicious!
Nat- Yup! Much beer and food.. didn't go this year.. missed the fun..
Shell- The festival is a lot of fun, but I have to let the younger folks be stupid, instead of me!
I've never tried anything having to do with cabbage ever. You do make it look enticing though!
I've never even heard of that tells you how cultured I am! Nice pic
BD: RE: Amish are German
Well that makes sense! Now that I think about the food they serve at the Amish restaurants - a DUH!
My mom is the Dutch in the family, ohmyyes, desserts, desserts, desserts and then there's always more desserts. :-)
Lea Ann
BlueV- There is no cabbage taste left in this- try it!
Darngirl- It's all where we live... I bet you know a few tricks too!
Highlander- I love Polish and German main dishes-but the Dutch can do desserts until the cows come home!
...Halupki, Saarna, Pigs in the Blanket. It's All Good!
All good Pollacks now pour everyone a 'shot', and in unison shout "Na Strovia"!!!!
My Mom used to make the best stuffed cabbage....yours look great too!!!
(I don't know why, but I just feel like doing the Polka). :-)
Growing up in the Pacific Northwest we didn't have stuff like that. After I moved out here to Pennsylvania Dutch country, cabbage rolls are apparently a big deal. Since I've never been fond of cabbage, I was adverse to try them. But I was pleasantly surprised that they were really good!
And yours sound awesome! :)
ahh, cabbage rolls. So delicious! (so stinky!!) I love them, I think I need to make my (vegetarian) version soon. All festivals involving polka are usually a blast :)
G-man- Usually Vodka, and I'm pretty sure it's a Russian toast..Those two nations have been arguing for centuries who invented vodka- Poles made it from potatoes a lot..
odat- Considered a pretty good dancer in my day, I can't Polka worth a crap! Must be my wooden shoes...
Stacy- We don't have them often, but like them when we do!
Tavolini- Polish music is like Irish music.. after about the fourth song, you've heard all of it you want to!
Oh how I also love cabbage rolls! Coconut cream pie, and now dinner menu is made for one night this week!
Oh how I also love cabbage rolls! Coconut cream pie, and now dinner menu is made for one night this week!
How neat! I've never had a cabbage roll!
I so wanted to be there. It sounds like my kinda good time!!
And the stuffed cabbage, I am also that kinda girl. Love being, I mean eating stuffed items. Even that sounded naughty. Cant help my goshdarned self.
ChefE- Good, simple stuff! The Polish do the main dishes, and the Dutch do the desserts!
BlondeD- It's a must try! Not cabbagey at all!
Donna- Good stuff, good times.. you would fit right in..
I LOVE cabbage rolls. I LOVE cabbage!
You pour the sauce on aftyer it is cooked?
Can you add real onions to meat?
I am going to have my cook, cook this!
Thank you!
Ubberlips- You are going to kill me after my last post... I am kidding around! Please don't hurt me!
hahaha I saw it...I may make it my next post and hang you out for the world to see! :)
Uberlips- I am a a bad man, and we have common ground.. Let's agree it's all in fun.. if you know I'm kiddin', I hope you do the same.. I kind of like you.. that's all I got!
My husband loves cabbage, and I remember the first time we had a boiled cabbage parents smiled a lot and ate VERY slowly. :)
This little recipe actually sounds tasty! I may have to try it at home.
Scarlet- This is good stuff, from a different ethnic background.. Not even mine! It is excellent, and I would never lie to you..pretty much..
I LOVE those things but have only tried making them once and that was before I knew how to cook.
Chris- When was that? I think you have known how to cook since you were about 3 years old!
Who would have ever thought a buffalo dick could cook?
Do not fear Ubertwat as we are conjoined twins. I am the soft mushy one and she is the c*nt which surrounds me.
I will protect you! Come into the Ubercave!
Any cave in a storm, that's what I say! I am more evil than she ever thought to be- run, run screaming and and fast as you can run! On the other hand, you seem decent.. I can short bursts..
Your large polish population must be why OSU kicks Michigan's butt!!
By the way... my husband is like half polish :0
Hit40- Never,ever go there, happiness is crushed Buck-eye nuts! M go Blue! I hope your husband used the other half, when your kids were conceived! Just kiddin'- I have more Polish descended friends than you do!
Thank you for the sweet words on "free"! :)
BlondeD- I'm glad you took it the right way! Back to read your zoo trip soon..
I'm back and Queenie sent a hug. :)
Ake- Well that is appreciated,and I hope she is well, but where is your hug? Buffaloes need hugs too.. :)
Sorry. Cabbage gives me GAS.
Heff- Only one thing worse than a fart..It's holding one in..
My father - a true hunky - would knock you down to get at those... we called them Halushki (HA-loosh - key)
T.G.C.- I love America, and all it's ethnic blending! It is what made America the greatest nation on Earth- no nation can claim ethnic and racial harmony better than us, no matter what we still have to do!
The only thing which bugs me about your blog is how long it takes to scroll down to the bottom of this comment section and post.
How can one run if it takes 40 minutes to load the page?
Wow! those blanket cabbage sounds good!
Anything with a sauce is good for me! :)
Shelly- I've never heard anyone say it took a long time to comment.. 40 minutes? Impossible...
Mona- Sauce was tomato base, and really goes well with this.. Other folks in the area use a white mushroom sauce- equally good!
In Korea our cabbage rolls are called kimchi (but no roll).
Great Reader, KIM Jong IL
Norf Korea & Califloornia
mmmm. Unlce Buff. My mom made THE BEST cabbage rolls evah...and she always used v-8. you made me smile today...and want cabbage rolls really bad. thanks! XXOXo
Gene- Very familiar with Kimchi, and I love it.. the hotter the better!
Beth- Poor folk soul food, first time I had it, I couldn't believe it was cabbage!
I swear to Buddha the Poles must speak Korean! A name like golumbki has to be a Korean food LOOONG time!
BD- I'd LOVE to try that. And coming from a Southern Grits and Gravy man that is a compliment. It sounds Heavenly, but I have one question.
Closer, no closer...
Are the effects of the cabbage, you know, consistent with the usual effects of Cabbage?
If so, I can still blame the dog!
PS: By a show of hands, and be honest- How many people leaned closer to the computer?
John- Most hits I've ever got! Cooked cabbage doesn't seem as deadly, and didn't bother me at all!
Gene- It's all good.. A true United Nations would start with a good meal... I think we would all get along!
Ok. Maybe I exaggerated just a tad. I post with my cell phone though so it really does take a long time to load.
Ok. Maybe I exaggerated just a tad. I post with my cell phone though so it really does take a long time to load.
Takes twice as long, when you say it twice..HeeHeeHee...
BD- I'd LOVE to try that. And coming from a Southern Grits and Gravy man that is a compliment. It sounds Heavenly, but I have one question.
Closer, no closer...
Are the effects of the cabbage, you know, consistent with the usual effects of Cabbage?
If so, I can still blame the dog!
PS: By a show of hands, and be honest- How many people leaned closer to the computer?
USC may crush the buckeyes...
but Michigan is Trussel's specialty!!
Hit40.. Maybe not this year, but we will be back... Crushed Buck-eye nuts...bwhahah!
Go Poland! I love this. I haven't had stuffed cabbage in so long, and now I'm craving it.
I grew up eating golabki (pronounced golumpki, LOL!). I really should create a veggie version.
Pink- I've what your mother-in-law can do, and it proves what a great cuisine it is..
UrbanV- I've seen it spelled at least four different ways, and pronounced at least that many- but they sure are good! A veggie version would be a snap- good idea!
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