Saturday started with breakfast out at a local restaurant. We then did grocery shopping for the Mother's Day feast. I then took my wife's van for a wash and wax, picked up some candy for her(locally made!), rented a movie she wanted to see (The Golden Compass), and made last trip to store for the forgotten baking potatoes... I then came home, made the apple crisp for Sunday dinner, and caught my breath! Made a loaded up bean dip for supper/snack, using tortilla chips as the dippers... Watched the movie, (which I actually enjoyed!) and hit the hay.
It's Sunday now, time to start preparing the feast! The rib-eyes are marinating and the rest of this post, with more photos will be up this afternoon...
It was raining, which usually means lots of smoky charcoal flavor! I hope you all know you don't have to wrap baked potatoes in aluminum foil when cooking in oven... Blueberry muffins, and asparagus- now let's eat! Apple Crisp later- too full to even try for dessert... Hope you are all enjoying your Mothers Day- I'm pretty sure my wife did...
Wish your lovely bride a Happy Mother's Day for me my friend.
The Feast sounds like it'll be wonderful.
Aww...what a nice husband you are! Happy Mothers' Day to the Mrs.
such a trooper...good feast hook up buff and good job on the taters...the skin is better this way.
Good golly Miss Molly looks and sounds like a great Mothers Day weekend!!
anndi- A good day, it was...
UrbanV- Thanks! As we had no daughters, me and our boys try to make a big deal out of it for her..
DogB- I wish more people would try potatoes that way- easier, and tastier!
rog- it rained, but it was great anyway..
Sounds a lovely mothers day! And the food as always sounds great!
Hey Buff....
Dinner looks, sounds, and I'm very sure, tasted great!!
I gotta come and hang with you....
Have a great week...G
casdok- Glad to see you're back! Read about your news- sounds good!
G-man- We do seem to have alot in common! Your meal sounded fantastic!
You my dear Buf, are a very, very good man. :) I like you.
claudia- Any of my "good man" behavior is usually me trying to make up for a time I was a bad man.. but thanks anyway!
HAppy Mother's Day to Mrs Buff!!!
and um...can you come and teach my husband how to do all of that?????
I am now reduced to stealing recipes from your blog. I feel show ashamed that I am a theif :(
You made mother's day a feast!
I only do foil for potatoes if I put them on the grill.
Sounds like your wife had a great day!
What a great guy!!! You do all husbands proud......
You're a good man, darlin'. A really good man... ;)
beth- If he hasn't by now...
mike- They are there for all- free!
Ake- It's sort of become the tradition...
lynda- I'd use foil on the grill too!
odat- I'm sure alot of them would like to kick my butt...
Finn- Well, you're half right- thanks!
Oh my LORD! WHY can't you have married me? A man that does all that cooking AND makes Apple Crisp????? You had me at "washed and waxed".
So, since you didn't marry me, how 'bout that recipe for Apple Crisp, huh???? PLEASE!!!!!!
Mmm! Delish! I'm glad you guys had a great weekend! :)
I really enjoyed The Golden Compass. It's not for everyone, but the creativity behind it was really interesting.
bina- I will attempt to put that recipe down for you, in a near future post!
snow- I heard later there was a backlash from the Christian community, accusing the book/film of spreading atheism...
geesh. i wish i was a mother. that looks fabulous. you're a good man, mister.
That sounds like a wonderful day! Does your wife rent you out? :)
Tanya- Thank you! I try, but it doesn't always work!
leighann- She'd probably sell me cheap...
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