
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloween Mini-Meme!

As Halloween closes in on us, thoughts turn to the supernatural, the scary, horror and gore... It's not our fault- the advertising won't let us forget! It's a bigger candy holiday than Easter! Adults wear costumes as much as the kids do! But seriously, todays questions are simple and straightforward...
1. Do you believe in ghosts (apparitions, spirits, wraiths, etc.)? If you do, please explain why... perhaps an experience if you had one..
2. What was your favorite Halloween costume (as a kid or an adult)?
I usually answer first to show what I mean...

1. No. The reason I say no, is I have never experienced it. Perhaps I should say, "not yet"- I try to have an open mind...
2. Dracula- as an adult. Slicked back hair, pale face make-up, blood dripping just below my Poli-grip inserted professional quality fangs, black cape, lined with red satin... Looked good, but I lisped like a flaming gay vampire with those fangs in...

I love horror movies and books. I love science fiction same way. I just never have seen a ghost, or a UFO- yet.... I look forward to your answers!


snowelf said...

Hey UncleBuff :)

1. Do you believe in ghosts (apparitions, spirits, wraiths, etc.)? If you do, please explain why... perhaps an experience if you had one..

I do believe in them. I have never had an experience, but I think it would be awesome to have one. I think I would be too amazed to be afraid. Like " that a ghost? Really!? Cool!"

2. What was your favorite Halloween costume (as a kid or an adult)?

My cat costume from last year was my first real "grown up" costume and I loved it. I have a pretty good one from this year too. :D
My favorite as a kid was when i went as Blueberry Muffin from Strawberry Shortcake. :)


Unknown said...

Scary movies are my favorite! There is nothing like being scared.

1. Yes, I do, because things HAVE happened to me. When I was growing up in this really old nasty house, there were always noises upstairs. My brother and I slept up there and it always sounded like people were walking down the hall, or up the stairs, and if we were downstairs I swear it sounded like people moving furniture around. I slept with a bible under my pillow every single night.

2. When I was in middle school, I dress up like Scarlett O'Hara. That was my favorite.

Dana said...

1. I believe in forces in/of nature that are no visible - that exist and appeal to our other senses. I've never labeled them with a name though ...

2. What if I told you I don't have a favorite? As a child, I was only able to trick-or-treat until I was 9 - by the time I was 10 I was already 5'-8" and people thought I was much older than I was. Back in the day, you just didn't trick-or-treat once you hit teen years.

As an adult? I've been to ONE Halloween party as an adult, and I didn't dress up. I don't like to call that kind of attention to myself.

urban vegan said...

I heart your mini-memes.

1. I think that, despite all our knowledge, we know very little, so I can't discount anything. Reading the "Seth Speaks" books, it's interesting to consider the possibility of a parralel universe.

2. Favorite costume(s): I went one year as Jane Goodall. And a few years ago, I was Donatella Versace, but everyone thought I was Paris Hilton, despite my put-on Italian diva accent. Do these 2 ladies represent the the two sides of my personality?

Leighann said...

Do you believe in ghosts.... Without a doubt. Personal experiences = Many. Most creepy = when my first daughter was born, the rocking chair upstairs would rock when the baby got fussy. No one was up there to be rocking in it.

Favorite costume.... To tell you the truth I don't remember ONE single costume I wore as a child. I dressed up a couple of times as an adult but can't really say that I have a favorite. This year a couple of my girlfriends are trying to talk me into dressing up like Dog the Bounty Hunter's wife, Beth.

Akelamalu said...

I believe in a spirit world, if that's what you mean by ghosts? I have had messages from the spirit world which have proven true when there is no explanation of how the person relaying the message could have possibly known the details.

When I was growing up we did not celebrate Halloween here in England, so we didn't get dressed up.

buffalodick said...

Snowniece- Everyone of your costumes is having very un- uncle like thoughts in my head! Quit that!
Bina- Wow! That would be freaky to hear sounds like that... You would have made made a wonderful southern belle!
dana- I think I know what you mean.. you dress up for Thursdays, but don't want to dress up for Halloween? Try it this year- you'll have fun with it- I know you will!
UrbanV- You suprise me- often! Jane? Did you have a stuffed gorilla with you or what? I can easily see you as an Italian diva.. you would look great!
Leighann- that would be spooky! I've never seen your legendary rack, but I think you could do that costume.. That woman looks like a '55 Cadillac front bumper...
Ake- a crazy Brit like you never wore a costume? I don't believe it!

buffalodick said...

leighann- can't post on your blog.. let me know why- Email or otherwise..

Christo Gonzales said...

ghosts and spirits yes -
halloween - same thing year after year - ghoul of some kind - except when I go as a mexican wrestler (I have about 8-10 official wrestlers masks I use when I dont want to smear grease paint all over my face)

G-Man said...

I believe that I have a Guardian Angel...

Hanibal Lector...Now there's one frightening character!!!

Have a Great Week-End...G

Rosemary Q said...

Hmm...don't believe in the paranormal. Had a weird experience when my dad died, went to church to pray for him with my sister and we were the only two there. In the middle of saying the rosary a sudden sharp gust of wind whipped through the church and made our rosaries fly up and back down. All the doors were closed and there were no air vents nearby that had turned on. Don't know how to explain it, but still don't believe in any of that stuff.

My favorite costume was definitely the 5 years I was Fred Flinstone. It was a highly flammable one-piece costume with the plastic mask that had tiny pinhole openings for eyes and mouth.

Everyone thought I was a boy and gave me more candy because I was with my bossy older sisters. They must have felt sorry for me. I caught on quick and wore that costume until it fell apart. In those days girls wore girl costumes and boys wore boy stuff...I was ahead of my time. I also had really short hair so I must have looked like a boy too.

Thanks for the encouraging words on my blog. I am so glad you enjoy it.

buffalodick said...

DogB- Those masks gotta be worth bucks!
g-man- Have fun at the game... You know how to get a Michigan State grad off your porch? You pay him for the pizza!
romy- Playing the angles even as a kid- I expected no less!

Odat said...

Hey! How are you?

I do believe in spirits....and have had messages from example is when hub died....i moved our wedding picture from one wall to another wall...and in the middle of the night the picture I hung to replace it fell down and scarred the living sh..t out of me! I put our wedding picture back where it I have a lot of dreams of people who have passed and I do believe there are messages in them.

My favorite costume was a "little person" I can't really explain it but it made me look as if my legs were only a foot long....was so funny i won a contest.


tavolini said...

Ghosts and Spirits-yes--had some really awful experiences when I lived in a refurbished jail in Kansas City.

Favorite Costume--I have two!
Roll of Carpet in middle school--although it chafed my arms something awful, it was just so cool

Helen Keller--everyone thought I was out of my mind as I kept hitting them with a white cane and mumbling "water"

Mona said...

I never saw a ghost in my life! I hope I never see one either! I don't think it is likely!

We do not have Halloween in India! :)

But some of the faces around are 'naturally' frightening. Not because of what they look like, but because of who is behind them!

Lulda Casadaga said...

1. Most certainly believe...experienced some weird things...but, never actually saw a spirit walk thru a wall...I think I'd piss my pants. :d

2. I have many adult costumes I loved...have to say the hippie and long ago a space chick (no not paris hilton)...a sexy alien.

Tomorrow night is my friends big party and I'm going as a roller derby girl...wish me luck!!

p.s. Listen to "Coast to Coast AM with George Noorey" on radio in the late night hours for stuff about ghosts,ufo's etc.

Queenie said...

You saw my post, so you know I do. I've been a little red devil/witch/evil fairy and loved them all.....

Queenie said...

You saw my post, so you know I do. I've been a little red devil/witch/evil fairy and loved them all.....

Queenie said...

Sorry I seem to have repeated myself....

buffalodick said...

odat- Wow- you and others have certainly convinced me something is going on.. Wouldn't be the first time I was oblivious! Glad you won a contest in a costume you can't describe...
Tavolini- I don't think it's allowed to make fun of Helen Keller...Buahahhaha!
Mona- You are with me on this! I believe in everything I have a reason to believe in...
Lulda- Sexy alien? That hit me where I like to be hit... Roller Derby? Stay away from large, aggressive women that night!

buffalodick said...

Queenie- Snuck in while I was posting! Actually your post inspired this Mini-Meme!

Tanya Kristine said...


i was a black cat. when i was skinny.

Jen said...

I do believe, I've been haunted before.
A witch, that's my favorite, a classic.

deb said...

I do believe in all of that. Most recently I visited a spititual advisor and my mom was on the other side with advice and since then the information provided to me has so far come to pass. Also the house Megan and I lived in had spirits. We had a paranormal society here in Sacramento come out last January and do an investigation. Pat has seen a female spirit and Megan sited one when she was eight. A young boy.

My favorite costume as a child was gypsy. As an adult I did a good "naughty" Catholic school girl gig with thigh high black leather boots (2003). It was hot I must say and I was a real Catholic School girl back in the day. Forgive me Jesus. ;)

deb said...

I do believe in all of that. Most recently I visited a spititual advisor and my mom was on the other side with advice and since then the information provided to me has so far come to pass. Also the house Megan and I lived in had spirits. We had a paranormal society here in Sacramento come out last January and do an investigation. Pat has seen a female spirit and Megan sited one when she was eight. A young boy.

My favorite costume as a child was gypsy. As an adult I did a good "naughty" Catholic school girl gig with thigh high black leather boots (2003). It was hot I must say and I was a real Catholic School girl back in the day. Forgive me Jesus. ;)

buffalodick said...

Tanya as a skinny black cat... I'm working on a mental picture of that...
Jen- Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
Naughty Catholic school girl.. To this day I'm strangely aroused by plaid skirts on women...and I'm not even Catholic!

MarmiteToasty said...

I dont believe in ghosts as such...... but I have experienced some strange things in me sisters house when she lived in a 4 story victorian house years back..... dam the stories I could tell about that house..... I use to be right proper scared at times when babysitting.....

It might of had some things to do with all the stuff in the basement.... my brother in law dabbled in antques and often had the contents of elderly people that had died in the basement, where the families had asked him to clear out the lot - we opened a huge chest once from this 96 year old lady that had died, and it held the complete contents of her soul/life, every valentines card she had ever received, every love letter from 70s or so years earlier, war love letters, her childrends first clothes, christening outfits.... HOW a family could part with such things I will never understand.....

All I know was that whomevers 'stuff' was in the basement..... things happened at different times, and I SWEAR TO whomever it was to do with the souls of these dead people lol...

Ive NEVER dressed up at halloween... but Ive always made me lads when younger the most brill cotumes....

sorry, waffling here, way to long a post lol


Vodka Mom said...

Yes, I believe in ghosts, but for NO GOOD REASON. I DO think that spirits visit me in my dreams. I just love the spooky stuff.

Unknown said...

Thinks for popping by today... I do believe in ghosts... have had some experiences..

Favorite halloween costumes? As a child red devil... my mom stayed up all night sewing a red satin outfit for me... as an adult, Monica Lewinsky & last year when I mde my 3 & 8 year old dress up as Kiss with me & hubby...

buffalodick said...

Marmy- Great Britian is haunted, if I listen to you, Akelamalu, and Queenie! Too much history.. maybe that's what it takes to get ghosts...?
VodkaM- It's the Martinis sweet cheeks.. believe me, I know... :)
Mercan in(Norway?)- What did you do, lose a bet? Just kidding, as I am prone to do.. Your sense of humor hooked me! Monica? Please tell me you didn't wear a blue dress, with a suspect stain on it... Always kiddin'- The Buff

Just telling it like it is said...

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays of the year. Each year when my child was little I would painstakingly make his costume by hand believing that he would remember that even though I am not a tradition stay at home Mother but that I loved him so much as to nimble my hand to death so that he might have a wonderful experience... My favorite of his was when he was the Terminator. I took foil and made it look like a bullet shot it and taped it to his body so he looked like he was half man half machine...
I still in the game just licking the wounds...thanks for hanging in there!!!

buffalodick said...

Darngirl- Probably have to read some of your past posts to get filled in... 'til then, you hang in here!

Chef E said...

1) Seen them; most recent- Oregon, McMinnville, at hotel around 4:30 an old prospector was trying to get into our bed...I woke my husband up, and he said he thought he heard someone talking to me...we moved hotels after that!
2) I took an old fishing net, tied my kids orca stuffed whale, a few other shells and made a sign 'Catch of the Day', and won first place, of course my face looked like I had been nibbled on here and there!