My tooth(farthest one back in your head!) started to ache about Sunday.. no biggie- this to shall pass.. Wrong! By Thursday, the pain alone told me what I had yet to hear from the dentist(old, reliable friend!)- Root canal! I said "Do it!" He says "I won't, on a tooth that far back.. I will call an associate", which he did! "Monday is the soonest, but I can do a prelim to relieve the pressure right now!" Right about now, I was in so much pain, I was confessing to shit I didn't even do... He gasses me, and numbs me(about down to my nutsack!)and proceeds to do the work. I am still numb, but I was given a prescript for antibiotics, and pain killers- and I'm pretty sure I want both ASAP! Informed my wife dinner might be a one sided event, with her getting the drugs after that... Me in pain is not pretty..I apologize, after I sew your head back on...
Only a couple of photos, nothing special- as food has been simple since the wedding feast! One was going to be Fajitas, but became a wet burrito instead! The other is just a couple of cheeseburgers, with toppings... Enjoy your food, and think of me drinking through a straw(once my face isn't numb anymore!)..
ouch i feel your pain
YearMan- I need some "No chew BB-Q" faster than the pain pills!
OW OW OW. Did you know dentists have a high rate of suicide?? It's true. I am thinking it is because everyone hates them.
OHN- My dentist and I have history..It doesn't mean I'm thrilled with pain, but he's a good man, who has become a friend. I hope I live long enough to see if he becomes a good dentist! Novacaine worn off now, might want to get in your locked houses, and load the guns!
oh Uncle Buff!!!!! Please take care of your teeth (and you nutsack)...root canals aint pretty. and they hurt like a MOFO.
I'll be thinking about you! get better!!!
Beth- I'm like squirrel when it comes to guarding the nut "twins"..This will be my third root canal, and if my wife doesn't show up quick with the drugs soon, I'm going to piss off a pit bull and kick his ass, and Michael Vick's too!
I thought I had it bad with a crown. And I took the whole day off and passed out in the sun with the chickens. Hope your pain pills work well. I don't get any of those. Hrmph.
Kate- I asked for heroin and had never had it! I am not a sane man right now, but wife just came home!
Ew. Feel better soon. xo
Just pull that bad boy before you work on it for 3 years and then they say you need to pull it anyway!
Well, I'm glad he numbed you to your testicle sack...Most important...and don't wait for that kind of stuff...Balls are always a favorite subject for me!!!
That sounds incredibly painful and I hope you're feeling better with those drugs!
(((Hugs to my favorite chili man!)))
PS - Melted cheese never looked so good. Love that 1st pic!
Awww....Hope you get better quick so you can go back to munching and crunching on your delish food!!
Maybe you should stick to Jello?
Take your drugs like a good boy!
Root canals are wretched stuff.
Vicodin is your friend.
Time to get reacquainted with the blender!
Hope the pain meds kick in and do the trick.
Oooooh! I feel your pain... I had to have a root canal and a crown put on a back molar last year since I broke that molar...the root canal took 3 sessions to get done. It was not fun.
Hope you manage to remain pain free through the weekend!
Finn- Thanks! Having to wait until Monday isn't cheering me up!
Otin- I told him it was so far back, I wouldn't miss it, but says it's a good tooth worth keeping.. They get a grand to do this- some tooth fairy!
Darngirl- I'm kind of attached to mine... :)
Scarlet- The pills are just kicking in now... I'm feeling much love towards everyone... Thanks for your thoughts!
Odat- Thank you! I chewed a bologna and cheese sandwich last night- on the other side of my mouth!
G-man- I could chew anything- if I could only get my jaw open!
Kathy- Don't think I'm not main lining it right now!
Jeff- Pain pills are still hurt, but you just don't seem to care!
Stacy- Thanks, but occasionally I like to wallow in self-pity...
Ouch. I feel your pain as I have had several root canals. Feel better!!
I had a tooth decide to go bad a week or so before Thanksgiving 2 years back. Waterpick, Advil/tylenol combo and just plain harsh temperment kept me going until after the holidays were over. Big-ass root canal and gold crown were required, taking many visits over many weeks. Good thing Kevin (the dentist) likes us. Yeah, I call him Kevin. He doesn't call me "Mrs. M...", after all! I feel your pain.
GoodC- I think we'll all had them, and I haven't ever heard one that didn't involve pain!
Marjie- My last one was done on New Year's Day one year.. He's U of M alumni, and we're both fans. He says "I'll meet you at the office at 10am- I don't think either of us want to miss the Wolverines Bowl game"! Glad my dentist is my friend too!
ohmy......I hope you got some really good drugs!!!
Lea Ann
Ugh! Awful!!! I hope you feel better soon and can get off the liquid diet. Does wet burrito count?
LeaAnn- Welcome! Vicodin works to a degree- you still hurt, but don't seem to care very much...
Pink- I can chew, but only on one side! Half of face over-muscled, other half just swelled up..I look like an old, annoyed chipmunk right now!
awwwww...poor dear Buf!
I hope you feel better soon.
Mona- A hug from you is better than a pain pill!
Ooo...that made me wince just reading the title!
Heal quick!!
Just called me confirming Monday..I think they are more concerned about payment than helping me.. If they want to make it business, I have to wear my "don't screw with me" hat.. If greed and fear motivate you, I can-and will, accommodate you..
That food may be simple but it looks great!
gene- Simple food, done well- is great! Thanks! have a good week-end..really enjoyed your last post.. always nice to hear a true love story, told well! I wish this world had more of them...
And you're still eating solids? I hope the pain goes away soon, dental pain is just horrible!
Oh toothache! When I had toothache I screamed at my dentist - G.E.T. I.T. O.U.T.!!!!!
Sorry you're in pain Buff. x
Jen- It hurt before I went in, now it hurts after some work was done, and Monday when they finish, I'll hurt some more!
Ake- They don't pull teeth too much in America, except wisdom teeth- and mine never came in, ever!
I had Mexican food last night! I love spicy stuff, maybe that is why I like hit 40! LOL!
I feel for you, BD, I really do. I haven't had a root canal since 9th grade and I can still remember praying for another demerol but it wasn't time yet.
Otin- See my smart ass remark about her emergency supply of Kleenex in her bra? See comes back with how about the ones in your underwear? I type back, not Kleenex, I use a potato.. I like her too!
Chris- This is the third in my life, and they have to finish it Monday..Demerol is one wonderful drug, but I don't have any!
Thank goodness you got antibiotics -- people can literally die from infected teeth.
Jeanne- With a smart mouth like mine, I'm more conserned losing them to a misunderstood joke!
I hate tooth problems! I had my wisdom teeth out a couple of years ago and was supposed to stick to liquids for those first days... I tried, but ended up eating Mexican. I thought a burrito would be fine but of course, I had to eat the chips and salsa too! Those little pieces of chips got lodged in the empty sockets and I started having pain. I went in and they cleaned the sockets out and gave me a lecture on keeping them cleaned out!
how is the liquid diet going?
Oh,I hope your mouth feels better soon. I hate tooth pain so I am totally sympathetic.
I'm sorry you don't feel good. I hope you feel better!
And I wasn't trying to "bail out." I like to feature creative women every other week because I think it's important we all celebrate each other's talents, that's all. There will be plenty more critter confessions and stories to come! There's even a creative man feature coming up soon!
DogB- I eating, but it's one sided affair! Can only chew on left side!
Angela- Starts up again Monday at 9AM, and I'm looking forward to getting this over!
BlondeD- You kind of missed the compliment I gave you...
Steph- Missed your comment- sorry! I'm not a big fan of "no chew" food, and being a guy gives me a free pass to ignore doctor's orders, and get bitched out later!
I get sooo upset when I'm numbed from dental work. It's such an emotionally upsetting experience! Hope your doing much better!
P.S. "Confessing to shit I didnt even do." HA HA HA HA HA HA
Jules..One person in a sea of people that got that one... It makes the journey all worth it!
OK finally catching up with the blogging world! I had the stomach flu and my girls had croup. Sounds like you were not doing too well either!
You are not alone with the pain thing. I turn into a real bitch on pain meds and my husband can testify to that. haha!
Eek, I have two teeth left that need this work, and I have managed to hide out in Texas for a while, but need to go face the music!
Chef E- Hide out in Arkansas, you could have three teeth, and you'd blend right in! Just kiddin' Arkansas!
I like to point out what I like.
Also, (and unrelated to that, but to the post itself) I seem to get strange novocaine induced hangovers or something. I will cry violently for like...HOURS, (no joke) afterwards. It's an awkward thing.
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