Friends. You have old ones, new ones, almost forgotten ones, and people you haven't met yet that will be friends...Isn't that a wonderful thing?
Tonight, we are seeing an old customer of mine and his wife.. sold metal to him for years, before the company was sold, and he was no longer there. A good friend, a great friend- a wonderful man, and as we got to know his wife- a great gal! The fun we had when they had a 40ft. yacht! The fun we had before and after... We are bringing the hot appetizers, as I can't spell whore's ovaries,or hors d' overes ! Marinated Sock-eye salmon- slow cooked -Asian flavors, Danish meatballs(dill is the trick, kids!), and chicken wings in BB- sauce... Pictures are up- figure which is which! One is breakfast- has nothing to do with this post! Just good eats..
I learned a song when I was in about 2nd grade.. "Make new friends, but keep the old- one is silver and the other gold"..Sing it like Row,row, your boat, gently down the stream.. I loved it. Old friends are like putting on your most comfortable clothes- no stress, warmth, and nobody cares what you look like.. Have a wonderful Holiday, with friends..May you be blessed with as many as I have been! As the old song says.. We may never pass this way, again.. Hug your loved ones, as I can't.. I'm only one man, for the love of Mike! Can't get pictures up.. Sorry!
((((((Buff))))))) big hugs dear friend......
Hi UncleBuf!!
Goodness gracious I can't believe that about the wasps! Yikes! Reminds me of the time my dad had to clean out the window hole for my AC in my old apt and he got a whole bag full of angry bees in the insulation they had shoved in there! Ick!
I hope you have a great holiday with great friends and nummy eats! Looks like I get to be reunited with my old friends sooner than I anticipated this year too.
Take care!
oh im sorry, I was logged in under my other blogger account with my private blog. Sorry! It's really still me, snow.
makes you wonder - who is who - everyone is someone else.......
Good friends are a blessing. Hope you have a great time with yours. :)
Enjoy this holiday weekend,
enjoy your friends! :)
Sounds like you are going to have fun and enjoy the food!
Marmy- Big hug back!
Snowniece- I thought I adopted another one, and didn't remember doing it!
DogB- One Blog is enough for me!
Ake- Great time, just food and conversation past midnight...
Megan- Tomorrow son and his girlfriend, steaks on the grill!
Casdok- I hope you do too!
I can't imagine you arriving anywhere empty handed. You have too much to share with the world. Yes, you are only one man, but you are more than enough.
Enjoy your family and friends and all that tasty food! Happy Labor Day! :)
A man after my own heart - never show up empty handed! :)
PLEASE say you saved some of the sock-eye salmon for me...please! Now I'm hungry, so I suppose I'll go make the stuffed chicken breasts I plan to make for dinner...and dream about salmon! :)
And finally! Someone else who knows that dill is the trick! :) I've been scoffed about that one before... ;)
Hope you and your wife had a fabulous time with your cool friends! :)
You're right. Old friends are absolutely wonderful. I love that no matter how much time goes just works!
I hope you had a great time!
Scarlet- They loved the food, and we brought none of it home!
Stacy- With sour cream, can of cream of something soup, flavorings, and a little thickener- you've got a great sauce for meatballs..Add dried dill on the very end of cooking time- as the flavor will go away quickly when cooked too long!
BlueV- Hadn't seen them since Christmas..picked right up where we left off!
Great post, BD and the "make new friends" songs totally remind me of boy scouts and sunday school, I remember that song well. We'd do it in a round where one group would start singing it, the next group would join in, etc.
Met some "new" friends today:) Hope you're having a great weekend.
Speaking of new friends, check out this blog:
He's a moderator of a BBQ forum, a local here and all around good guy. He's just started blogging and seems to be enjoying it.
Have a great day BD!
Chris- Sounds like you got an upbringing along the lines of mine!
Sounds like a good plan for the holiday weekend!
Jeanne- You new cook toy looks like a winner! Steaks on charcoal today!
Enjoy your time together and those Danish meatballs.
Yummy!! I made pancakes, sausage and smoothies for my boys on Monday morning.
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