My son called about Thursday reminding us it would be Beth's(his GF) birthday this week-end.... After a deliberate pause, I said; "Would you like us to fix her a birthday dinner Sunday?" "Well, that would be nice"... he says- knowing that's what he was calling about all along! I asked what treat she might want that day, and he was all ready with an answer- salmon!
We shopped Saturday, with me picking up some nice Sock-eye salmon, corn, potatoes, rolls, and a birthday cake, with Peppermint ice cream (that was for me- I love that peppermint ice cream!)... I gave DogB permission to enter the Au Gratin Cheddar/onion in his potato contest...
We weren't eating until 3:30PM, so plenty of time to get it right... From scratch Au Gratin potatoes, salmon seasoned with butter, dried dill, lemon pepper, fresh lemon, and salt.. The once a week thru Summer corn on the cob, whole wheat rolls with honey, all made for plenty to eat.. We took a break before cake and ice cream- too full not to! We got her a card, and some small gifts also... she appreciates what we do for her, as she had a difficult time while growing up, and isn't used to being put first, even if only for one day...
Fireworks photo for G-man, who along with other shared enthusiasms, appreciates these things as much as I!
You are such a sweetie. Sounds like a fantastic dinner and dessert and I bet she just adores you greatly.
Peppermint ice cream! Whoot! And I love making people feel special. Especially the ones that have a hard time with it. It makes ME happy.
Donna- Well, they seem to apppreciate it....
Kate- That is why I do a lot of the things I do for people- I am rewarded too.....
what a nice birthday - all looks good
Fabulous meal!! I thought the potatoes were creme brulee for a minute!!
She looks like a keeper!!!!!!!!!
wow and shes just the gf!
That cake sounds wonderful! I love mint icecream as well!
Happy Monday!
DogB- Actually pleasant- my son didn't have to dash back to work for once..
Hit40- I don't think I could have made the taters look more like Au Gratin potatoes if I tried! The GF? Let's just say we've done this at least 4 times in the last 8 years, for 4 different girls...
Helene- I love that ice cream! Used to only be able to get it at Christmas...
Wow, what a nice dad :) That plate looks excellent, I would eat it, too.
Also--I ADORE peppermint ice cream! I rarely buy it though, because no one else eats it. Glad to see you have good sense when it comes to ice cream ;)
Lucky lucky girl friend!!
I've made peppermint ice cream. It's really great stuff. I'm glad you got something for yourself! Nice party.
A family dinner is always nice, especially when a birthday is involved. :)
Okay, my birthday's in about six weeks and I'm puttting my order in a head of time. I want the SAME meal!!!!!! YUMMY!
Tavolini- Ice dream flavor has to be my favorite!
Beth- Well, she got to go out Friday night, Saturday night, and over here for Sunday dinner- She IS lucky!
Margie- Everybody seemed to like that flavor...
Ake- Rule of the house on birthday- whatever meal you'd like, I'll fix...
Bina- It would be fun to cook for you!
How great of you and your wife to put out the spread. :)
Everything sounds sooo yummy, except the Salmon... I have just Never been a fan...
(In my best Homer Simpson)
With Salmon..............
im hungry now!
awww, you are the sweetest man ever!
I love those photos and Beth is so cute! I hope your son would find happiness with her!
StarB- Salmon... seems like people love it or hate it!
G-man- You'd enjoy the selection of pyrotechnics!
Mr.C- Welcome to the blog! Thanks for commenting!
Mona- Thanks! Time will tell, I guess...
You are just to sweet for your socks....
I LOVE salmon with a passion and I would eat it every day if I could, with corn on the cob and sweet garden peas that to me is a meal in heaven lol
Ive just hunted me freezer to see if there is a stray salmon in there somewhere, but alas there is not, so Ive just cut me toast in the shape of a fish and will have to make do LOL....
The cake is pretty even though it is bloody pink lol
Marmy- I thought you like pink! Or is it purple? I've heard of loaves and fishes, but never a loaf as a fish.... Get some real food soon!
Was one of those fireworks boxes named "Neighbor Hater" ? Lol !
Heff- It's small, but makes noise like you wouldn't believe!
Awww Buff! That was really nice! And what a beautiful girl she is!
Dana- Classic "Dutchie"! Tall, thin blondes, with pretty big choppers are a genetic pattern in West Michigan!
I remember seeing your pets!!! I will go back to find them for the next pet post. Very fun. Thanks for reminding me.
Hit40- Cute idea for a post you had! be so young and thin.
A beautiful feast and birthday girl!
I picked up an old ice cream maker today at a flea market, and cannot wait to have someone sit on it while I crank it up!
You are a good guy to help with her birthday...they are lucky! but so are you for having such a good family too :)
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