I got home from my adventure about 3PM Monday. I just wanted to get in my robe and rest in my house for a bit, before thinking about supper.. When my wife got home from work, she asked what sounded good- as she was well aware of my last five day menu! Oddly enough, I wasn't interested in having a big or heavy meal right away, I thought I'd ease into a normal diet slowly... There are a handful of foods that are touchstones for comfort; mac n cheese, chicken soup, grilled cheese and tomato soup, etc.... Probably my two comfort cold sandwiches are ham and cheese or bologna and cheese! We had some thick cut sandwich bologna, some Monterey Jack cheese, and with a little mayo, mustard, and lettuce on fresh whole white bread- it was just what this doctor ordered!
Next evening, feeling way better now, I made cheeseburgers and corn on the cob- most I've eaten in a week! Another spot was hit just right! Earlier that day I made a batch of pigs in the blanket for my son, who came over and cut the grass. I had a couple of those, saved two for my wife, and he ate the rest!
I'm going to venture out today (not too far or fast!) and try to get a few things done. Thanks for all your well wishes on last post!
Pigs in a blanket are totally comfort food to me too. Glad to hear your feeling more like yourself again.
(And I'm hoping you still love me even if I'm not a Redwings fan. If it makes you feel any better I'm not anti-Redwings or anything. ;))
That's it Buff ease your stomach in gently don't eat the whole pig until next week! (wink)
Glad to hear you're feeling OK. x
Please dont you go doing to much will ya....... if I was there I would cook for you and let you ease back into life slowly and well fed lol
I didn't know you were in the hospital for 5 days! So glad you're home and it seems like you're getting back in the swing of things very quickly.
I am impressed after being on such a light diet for 5 days that you had corn on your second days home and then moved on to cheeseburgers!
You have my total admiration!
Snowniece- Of course I still love you, but Pittsburgh won the Super Bowl already, while the Lions had a perfect year- 0-16... We got our pride here, too!
Ake- Tonight will be a turkey sandwich on bakery bread, with healthy toppings!
Katherine- I thought about that corn too, but decided to chance it. It was a little tummmy disturbing later, but not bad...
Marmy- Once I got my oil changed, I got a great deal of energy back! Got out today and did a few errands, and let some friends know I wasn't mad at them or dead, either!
G-man- Another good comfort food- pivo helps!
Glad your feeling a tad better.. its been a fortnight today since me main op.. and 9 days since Ive been home, I aint been outside these 4 walls in that time and only seen one other adult...... Im already going stir crazy whilst high on painkillers.... tomorrows trip to the hospital is even beginning to sound exciting..... what a bloody saddo I am LOL
Glad you are feeling better. I would have left well wishes on the last post but I just got here. My neice has just announced that she is very very anemic and she is just starting the process to determine why. Glad to hear you are doing well..sitting up and taking nourishment as we used to say. Love this blog.
Wonderful that your sons are there to help out a little and catch up with you :-)
I did some "mommy" cooking. So, I had to toss a link in for you tomorrow.
Seriously, I really do want the Lions to just have a great year for once and just kick everyone's butt for one season.
(I do always love the underdog though...)
I have seen you around on the food blog circuit and decided to pop over - to find you in your robe! I wanted to discover your blog. I hope that you are feeling better soon. Food is the best medecine!
I love corn on cobs!
Buf, I went to a farmer's market today and and saw some Llamas! Also got some garden fresh vegetables and loaves.
I love corn and pigs in the blanket.
Hope you're feeling back up to your old self soon.
Marmy- Eating is almost back to normal, but cold sandwiches sound better than anything else right now! They won't even let me take Tylenol yet, so I've had a minor headache for three days...
gemma- Welcome to the blog! Hope your niece is OK- they will find out why, believe me...
Hit 40- One son can... the other lives in Kansas City! We help each other, the way family should...
Snowniece- .500 ball would be a start...
Jamie- Welcome to the blog! Mostly food, but other subjects are covered...the people who visit here are great!
Mona- I can imagine the sights and many food offerings...Llamas?
K- Getting there! I felt so crappy, it didn't take much to feel better!
We had corn on the cob yesterday, too. Ours wasn't quite sweet enough yet..
Glad to see you're feeling better!
T-L Ours was good but not as crisp as it could have been..
One of my favorite foods is 'sweet corn on the cob' I think I can win a contest eating that!!!
Sorry, I haven't been by in a long while...I'm glad you are doing well and enjoying the finer things in life. Like some good food and piva! :) Take care and enjoy your weeked.
StarB- The Midwest eats it weekly, June thru August...
Lulda- I'm taking care of me, believe me!
I can't even begin to tell you how much I love pigs in the blanket, as does my family. I make big batches and they are always gone by noon!
Bina- It's an appetizer you never have to bring home from a party...
have you toughened up some? eat some raw meat that should kick your count up -
DogB- There was some blood in that burger! Tonight, raw veggies in a Chef salad! I've been craving a rare liver with a Chianti(more the wine, doc put me on the wagon!)
You know, it is really hard to find corn on the cob here. When I do find it, it is nothing like the fantastic sweet corn we have in the south. It is amazing some of the things I still miss!
Angela- I never have seen statistics on it, but I bet no other country eats more corn on the cob than America!
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