My son called about Thursday reminding us it would be Beth's(his GF) birthday this week-end.... After a deliberate pause, I said; "Would you like us to fix her a birthday dinner Sunday?" "Well, that would be nice"... he says- knowing that's what he was calling about all along! I asked what treat she might want that day, and he was all ready with an answer- salmon!
We shopped Saturday, with me picking up some nice Sock-eye salmon, corn, potatoes, rolls, and a birthday cake, with Peppermint ice cream (that was for me- I love that peppermint ice cream!)... I gave DogB permission to enter the Au Gratin Cheddar/onion in his potato contest...
We weren't eating until 3:30PM, so plenty of time to get it right... From scratch Au Gratin potatoes, salmon seasoned with butter, dried dill, lemon pepper, fresh lemon, and salt.. The once a week thru Summer corn on the cob, whole wheat rolls with honey, all made for plenty to eat.. We took a break before cake and ice cream- too full not to! We got her a card, and some small gifts also... she appreciates what we do for her, as she had a difficult time while growing up, and isn't used to being put first, even if only for one day...
Fireworks photo for G-man, who along with other shared enthusiasms, appreciates these things as much as I!