Twenty years ago in November, a series of events took place in my life that had me visit the local med center 3 times that month! It started about the first of the month with what I thought was the flu. They checked me, gave me an antibiotic, and sent me on my way. About a week later, still not feeling too spiff, I went back- this time a real doctor was there who checked my blood and found something wasn't quite right. He sent me down to a medical center located across from a big hospital for further testing. That doctor told me my appendix was going bad, and to go directly to Emergency at the hospital and check in. He would call them and tell them I was on my way. I drove myself over, walked in and sat there for 45 minutes before they put 2 +2 together! By now, I felt really,really crappy! They grabbed me, threw me on a gurney, and hauled me to a room where I was to await surgery. By midnight, I no longer had an appendix. A few days in the hospital, then home for a recup! Fast forward a couple of weeks, and it's Thanksgiving, with the whole famn damly coming to my house for one of my patented feasts. While stuffing the turkey I cut some loose skin off the bird with a super sharp knife (I'm obsessed with having all my knives stupid sharp at all times!). The knife went through the skin and into me easily. But Good. Showed my wife, drove myself down to the Med center and walked in just as they were opening. "You're our first customer- what's wrong?". I showed them my blood soaked wrapped hand and was ushered into the inner room STAT. Doc walks in and says "Weren't you just here a couple of weeks ago? Yep. "Most people wait to cut themselves until they're carving the cooked bird" "I wanted to beat the rush" I answered. Stitched me up while I read Sports Illustrated and I was home in time to baste the bird.
This year it's only 5 people, with traditional food all the way. Roast turkey, sage sausage stuffing, home made cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and turkey gravy, rolls, salad, and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Pictures will be posted after all this stuff is set out! Can the Lions beat the Green Bay Packers today? Nah, too early for Christmas miracles....
P.S. The bird was moist, and flavorful, stuffing all gone, potatoes the same, gravy really nice, cranberry sauce a hit (I don't like fruit on meat personally!), and the pie was flavored just right. My sis brought a salad with dressing that was excellent! Her home made rolls were great, too. The Lions lost, making the traditional holiday complete!
Only five, room for me then, and not only am I house trained, I can drive so I can take you to A&E..
Happy Thanksgiving!!! And here's to you staying in one piece this year! ;)
happy turkey day buff...
Happy Turkey Day to you and yours!
Be careful with those knives!!!!
Peace Do you like hospitals or something????
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and yours Buffalo - keep away from those sharp knives this year!
It sounds like 5 is the perfect number.
Thanks for sharing your awesome Thanksgiving memories. This year it was just me and my two boys, and my first attempt at a turkey...
...and I'm happy to report all turned out beautifully!
...but most importantly, NO BLOODSHED! (Even after the couple of glasses of wine as I cooked!)
A blessed day of gratitude to you and yours...
Feast was, is gone! and, I'm thankful.
Entertaining post, Mr. Buff! Am assuming you're in one piece at the end of the day.
Take care...
queenie- Room for you, of course! Bathroom's 1st door in hallway....
jen- Thanks! When cooking is your hobby, cuts and burns will happen....
DogB- It was! Same to you!
Odat- No cuts today, but a nasty gravy stain that may need medical attention....
ake- Hate hospitals, but they like me! Tomorrow I'm sharpening all my Wusthof knives- Buahahaha......
har- It went well- I think I could have handled 8 today! Hope you're OK, and had a good day too...
tricia- My accident level really goes down when I don't drink. What's up with that....
in_spired- Good day today! Hope you had one too. As you know, if you live long enough, you will lose parts.....
wow! I think you're definitely competing with the blogdog!
Was your pie homemade? ;-)
I have never in my life cooked a turkey!!!!
I'm impressed... really. Does your wife ever do any cooking? How lucky she is... wink
Did you get a tetanus shot for that nasty cut?
happy thanksgiving!!! sounds like this one went quite smoothly and deliciously. awesome!
What is it with men and knives? MWM used to bring me a new knife regularly, like other husbands bring flowers! :(
Appendix problems are grim. My dad [ancient person] was a bit to late and had an appendectomy - he has a scar from just beneath is Adam's apple too.....well, all the way down.
So what is the secret to a really sharp knife? My last knife sharpener died and the new one is crap.
Hey, at least you were home and not in the ER!
all the food sounds that bacon on that turkey?
nance- DogB and I are on the same team! The pie crust was purchased , the filling was made. My wife probably can cook, but it's been so long I forget! The cut didn't need that many stitches, and I'm sure somewhere in that month they gave me more than one shot...
Pink- I did go smoothly, although when 4 people all want to talk to you while you're trying to get food out of the oven and onto the table, I had to invoke the "Everybody-not-doing-anything-get-your-a*ses-out-of-my-kitchen" rule!
Ake- I'm a Tool Steel Product Mgr. and I cook for a hobby- without bragging, you could say I know my cutlery....
Mcewen- Mine was leaking, and I had to stay in the hospital after surgery a little longer than average.
I'd have to know what types of knife blades to offer good sharpening
advice! I've got a pro model electric 3 stage grinder/sharpener for re-edging, ceramic hand sharpeners, carbide V sharpeners for the cheaper knives, and hone stones.... oh and a butchers' steel, also! Overkill is my middle name...
Beth- That is indeed bacon. It's my 2hr. self baster that I remove when bacon has rendered!
Glad there were no accidents this year!!!
Man that food looks good :)
This is one time I can say I did almost as good as you. Thanksgiving was a great feast!
I hope you and your family has a wonderful one as well.
Looks a lovely spread.
Hope you had a great thanks giving!
I could say 'you know your onions' too! :)
Ewwwww! Poor Turkey!!
& a super Ewwwwwee To that nasty cut Plus Orphaned appendix!
mel- Calamity-free this time! I get get a nice glaze on the skin of a turkey, but no one here eats the skin- so it looks a little gnarly. Not dry or burned at all!
mike- Glad your meal turned out, and your day was enjoyable!
Casdok- Sharp knife cuts really don't hurt- they just bleed!
Ake- Once, I was helping the clerk at Williams-Sonoma sell a customer on Wusthof knives with my knowlege of steel chemistries and heat treatment! They wanted me to come back during the holidays!
mona- The bird served a noble purpose, the cut wasn't too bad, and considering the pain- I'm glad I orphaned that appendix!
wow bacon on the turkey... I think I may have to try that next year!
I am glad this year was less significant of a Thanksgiving! Just a good ole time!
I am with queenie... plenty of room for us!!
Better look out, you are starting to sound like Tim Allen in "Home Improvement", where everyone in the ER knows him.
I'll catch a lift with queenie, dinner sounded so scrummie.... I'd LOVE someone to cook for me for a change lol
Gulp on the appendix and the knife trick....
Any leftovers you'd be willing to share with little ole moi? wink
Kate- Why do I envision a turkey in a "bacon bikini"? LOL!
paul- I left out the part that previous to that I'd been there once in 15 yrs., and since then- maybe twice!
marmite-(I looked up what that stuff is!) You harbor two known food sources (chickens!) and you'll eat a turkey!!?? I know what you mean- I like people to cook for me once in awhile, too..
nance- My son and brother-in-law made off with about a half a turkey! I made soup, and have a dinky zip-lock bag of turkey left..
Great! I'll take it! ;-)
Those Lions...I seriously thought they were going to pull through this year...wishful thinking, I suppose. Still, I'm hoping they'll beat Minnesota again!
We had our traditional thanksgiving feast in a restaurant! It was a nice day, though.
Hope you had a good one!
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