Saturday and then Sunday until about 1PM, We stayed pretty busy! It's that time of year when we do a little bit to get the homestead ready for when the weather isn't so nice. Yesterday, that meant going to Sams' Club and stocking up on food related stuff we will need for the holidays. After that, it was replace the light bulbs outside that had burned out, fix the storm door, and fix the door knob to the garage service door. As by now we were on kind of a roll (You know what I mean!) I decided to grocery shop, talking my wife into going to Lowes for a specialty light bulb while I was busy at the other store. She thought it was a great idea, but really didn't want to go (again, you know what I mean!). Lowes is like 1/2 mile from our house, so the debate was short and unheated!
This morning, I thought it was time to hang the decorative clock we had bought for our dining area. How long had we waited to do this, you ask? Eleven and a half months.... Why so long, you ask? That's what happens when we're not on that roll anymore. Anyway, we got that 20 minute project done in less than 2 hrs, which is about normal for my wife and I when we work together on something! We hardly ever yell at each other anymore either... Life sure beats it out of you, doesn't it?
We wrapped it up in time to start dinner- chicken on the grill, blueberry muffins, spice cake for dessert, and scalloped potatoes- sliced in our new food processor! No one needs one this powerful, really! My son called from K.C. MO and I told him I'd found a new way to get rid of unwanted body parts... Hope your weekends are going well, and see you later!
Well, looks like you had quite a productive weekend! ;-)
One step at a time.... lol
wow you guys were busy bees! And that food looks awesome as always!
your food processor sounds scary, but those potatoes look divine!
I'm hungry now!
My husband will not let me help him when he is working on home projects and thats just fine with me LOL
Lovely that you work together!
Ut oh....body parts huh????
What are those scalloped potatoes made out of anyway???? (playing Twilight Zone music in the background).
Nancybee- For us, it was unusual!
jen- It wasn't the party you got, that's for sure!
Pink- Potatoes were good, had to finish chicken in the oven- too thick pcs for grilling...
mel- If I know where it is, I go get it. If she knows where it is, she gets it....
casdok- The movie would be funnier than the book, believe me....
odat- potatoes were innocent, but look closer at the chicken....
MWM and I have spurts like that, then long periods of inactivity!
Love the new clock btw.
Buff, I will come and do ALL of those things for you if you'll feed me when I'm
I swear I can almost smell that chicken.....mmmmmmmmmmm good.
Got a big list of jobs that I have been meaning to do here as well...agh! Theres no mad rush.
Ake- Always amazes me at the home improvement stores. Half the customers are there for a needed repair at home, the other half are happily picking out stuff for their next home project..... Damn busybodies...
Beth- Deal!
DogB- Yesterdays' weather cried out for grilling food!
Okay the words "stocking up on food for the holidays" scare me. You do mean Halloween and not the Christmas holidays, right? I mean, I know they're close but I want to believe they aren't that close!
meredic- I have been known to leave garden hoses out all winter, running the gas out of my lawnmower in a snow storm, etc.
Steph- Freezer stock-up for meat, Halloween candy, Disposable aluminum pans for hauling goodies to parties, etc. Thanksgiving gets lost in the spending frenzy of Halloween and Christmas these days...
Why is it that the easiest tasks always get left for such a long time? I am guilty too and am going to have to rush in the next two days to get the Villa buttoned down for winter because it could come Friday or in a month.
Wow, that dinner looks good!
Remind me to never drink the frozen margaritas at your house!
I think I only have had boxed scalloped potatoes, and those look better than boxed!
Tick tock, the mouse ran up the clock, what a fool is he when i see all the food below. Made a promise I would watch my weight when I came home, some chance your food makes me dribble (not a nice sight).
sornie-People that are completly ready for winter really annoy me!
real live le..les..les... I can't say it! Welcome to the blog! I'll get the hang of it!
lynda- We ate plenty of those Betty Crocker 'tatoes when we didn't have the time for the real deal!
Queenie- You just made me realize how odd I am for putting scalloped potatoes and a clock in the same post! Do you know the difference between odd and eccentric? About a million dollars.....
Today I was smart and came to read your blog so stuffed full of food I am surprised I fit in my chair right now!
I have to say, I love busy weekends cause they make me feel so productive.
And thanks! Now I know who to call when I need to dispose of the bodies. ;)
Well you're a darned sight more productive than we are!
I'll send the CSI's around tomorrow to check up you [and the graveyard at the back] Afterall, it will be Halloween!
Um....would y'all come do Texas? ;)
OMG! I SO wanna live with you. The food always looks and sounds SO good!
Did you get my adoption papers in the mail yet?
Snow- My wife has really behaved since I made the remark about the food processor...
mcewen- you won't see me blogging about us working around the house often!
janie- Welcome to the blog! I don't do 'em in Michigan-probably not in Texas either!
Dutchbabe- If I adopted you, my wife would figure out what I was up to pretty fast!
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