Once upon a time, when I was young and full of male hormones... Guns were quite fascinating to me! My Dad, a WWll vet had given up such weapons in the early 1950s' due to someone almost blowing his foot off while bird hunting! I found out about weapons by reading Guns and Ammo, and other related hunting magazines. I wanted to hunt! I wanted to target shoot! Conned my Dad into buying me a single shot shot gun for a Christmas present, and couldn't wait until the weather got clear to go forth and shoot! One day, no one was home, and being about 15 I had learned more stuff than I could ever need... I took a shotgun shell (16 gauge, for you guys that know and wondered!) cut the top off, emptied out the gunpowder and 6 shot out of it and placed it in the chamber. I wanted to see the "strike area" of the firing pin on a shell. It's Feb., I'm standing in a hallway, pointing the gun towards a window in our dining room- and pull the trigger... Imagine my 15yr. old surprise when the damn gun goes off with a bang! I had forgotten about the primer! I can still hear the doorbell chimes ringing faintly, as I ran around screaming like Nancy Kerrigan... I checked the window, which was fine, but the sheers my Mom had over the windows were full of holes, with powder-burned edges! Cleaned that off, but the holes remained..
Fast forward 7 yrs.- We are having dinner at my parents house, and Mom says, "I found some holes in my sheers- I think it was moths"... I lose it and confess all, and the table erupts in a knowing laughter... I wasn't a good kid, I just got away with about everything I pulled! Picture is not of that weapon, that's my double barrel 20 gauge mod and improved cylinder- great upland bird gun!
I bet those sheers didn't even see you coming! :)
"I wasn't a good kid, I just got away with about everything I pulled! " Love it, sounds just like you!
Hi there! Popped in from Sherrys blog.
My husband had a similar thing happen when he was about 11. Unfortunately there was more than sheers harmed during his mishap. He shot his friend. Thank God his friend survived but there was a lot of trauma to those involved.
Glad yours had a better ending.
lol! you damaged the sheers?! hilarious. back in texas, we had a gunrack with no guns. i found it amusing because the gunrack was quite fancy, carved in these beautiful cabinets that came built into the house in the library. i guess we were supposed to have our stuffed trophies on display there, too.
I used to go deer hunting, bear hunting, mountain lion hunting, elk hunting, pheasant hunting and quail hunting when I was a kid in New Mexico. The mountain lion hunting was with a friends dad who was a guide, we went on horseback. I went along since his sons didnt want to and I did - I mostly was there to keep the dogs in line since ususally someone was paying for the guided hunt but it was the most thrilling since the cougars are so dangerous.
oh I carried a 45 caliber pistol and a 30/30...
"...Screaming like Nancy Kerrigan."
Poetry. Sheer poetry.
That's a really funny story. How long did you worry that your mom would discover what you'd done?!
Just be glad that it was the sheers and not your "hello down there"!
You may not have been a good kid, but at least you were honest ... eventually!
Guns! I hear you can put an eye out with those! Good thing it wasn't blinds..
(feel free to groan...)
leighann- Imagine cartoon eyeballs pooping out of someones' head.. that was me!
Jen- In high school, other kids would ask me to consult how to get away with stuff...:)
mack- Welcome to the blog! I really was quite careful during the whole thing, as I would never harm anyone if avoidable!
Pink- I almost took a picture of my full gun cabinet.. you'd all think I was crazy, but truth be told- I haven't shot a gun in a couple of years!
DogB- The only cougars I want to hunt... Strike that....I still like to shoot, but I'm not the guy who needs heads on the wall anymore...
UrbanV- "til the day I confessed!
PreProp- No danger there- "Don't be silly, protect your Willy"..That's what i say!
dana- I always tell the truth, but God, can I put a spin on it!
anndi- I won't go into all my mishaps with firearms, let's just say this story wasn't the only one...
Buff...I have a gun story. I only think about it when something jogs my memory...like your post. I won't tell the whole story (does that surprise you?) I was 14 and ended up with a hole in the "then popular" unbleached domestic cottage curtains...and of all places, in my parents bedroom! I may have to post about it someday...
oh my lol..... I take it 'sheers' are like what we would call 'net curtains'.... my lads would love to have proper guns, they are only allowed BB guns and BB rifles here, and they have gotten into enough trouble as it is...... my Jacob did buy a beautiful knfie whilst in america in the summer, not that he is even allowed to take it out of the house here with our knife laws lol....
I got up to loads of harmless trouble as a kid, me and me brother, except not at home, I got enough beatings as it was, without adding to them...... but outside we was mischievous little harmless devils lol....
Just glad ya didnt get hurt with ya gun insistent.....gawds sake..
LOL. Kids! That's funny... still!
I don't like guns but I don't know why. My dad has an unbelievable collection and always had them around growing up. Maybe something in a former life happen... :)
I wish I could have been sitting at that dinner table. Thanks for the halarious story.
You'll shoot yer eye out!
in_spired- When younger, it was a rare week where we didn't hunt or target shoot, but there were mistakes made...No one ever got hurt though!
marmy- We are a gun-toting nation, that's for sure. Taught my sons to shoot with pellet gun first, then they went through Hunter Saftey classes..
sherry- I just feel if you're going to live in Michigan (or Florida!) Know how to swim and know how to handle a gun safely!
jeff- Would have been a good video, that's for sure!
mel- I had a great CO2 pellet pistol as my first weapon, wish I still had it!
A big OOPS moment! A good story to retell over and over! Thanks for sharing!
Running around like Nancy Kerrigan - I immediately knew exactly what you looked like that day.
Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! If it had been me, my Dad would have smelled the gunpowder (he could have been a gunpowder residue tester for the cops) & I would had my ass beat! Awesome bit of nostalgia Buff, thanks for the good laugh!!
Crikey Buff, you got up to some stuff didn't you? :)
you don't ahve that gun anymore, i hope.
odat- I'm trying to occasionally put in a story like that on my blog for posterity- and I got a bunch of them!
annie- Door bell chimes ringing faintly, smell of powder in the air, our ancient poodle creaking out saying WTF??- in French, of course...
Rog- As the last,(and unexpected child!), my folks didn't look for trouble...
Ake- You have no idea... if I would have been caught for 10% of the stuff I pulled, I'd still be in detention!
Tanya- Gave it to son as home defense when he moved, he has better weapons now- so I want it back!
hehehe. This made me laugh. It reminded me of some of the stories my uncles about when they were kids.
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